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•   Joan Zook (Seaman) (1976)  7/22
•   David Bobak (1978)  7/6
•   Kent Kirimli (1978)  7/6
•   Tom Gomola (1969)  7/6
•   Lois Steinberg (1971)  7/1
•   Mel Lipsitz (1975)  6/24
•   Heather OConnor (Gordon) (1976)  6/11
•   William Iovino (1970)  5/12
•   Virginia Link (Matthews) (1972)  4/17
•   Karen Silvasy (Wald) (1968)  4/7
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5 live in Alabama
18 live in Arizona
34 live in California
9 live in Colorado
8 live in Connecticut
4 live in Delaware
4 live in District Of Columbia
78 live in Florida
13 live in Georgia
3 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
11 live in Illinois
8 live in Indiana
3 live in Kansas
3 live in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
20 live in Maryland
13 live in Massachusetts
8 live in Michigan
7 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Montana
4 live in Nevada
2 live in New Hampshire
11 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
17 live in New York
26 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
38 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
5 live in Oregon
412 live in Pennsylvania
15 live in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
26 live in Texas
3 live in Vermont
39 live in Virginia
11 live in Washington
3 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Nova Scotia
3 live in Ontario
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in New Zealand
2 live in Switzerland
7 location unknown


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Churchill Area High School (CAHS) Memories

The End of an Era
CAHS Refracting Telescope

Courtesy of Mr. Lee Schaeffer, some materials regarding the end of the CAHS refracting telescope.

Bid Notice

1964 Pittsburgh Press Article

Various Photos

New Link Added
CAHS in an episode of
"Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood"

Courtesy of Mr. Lee Schaeffer, a link has been added to the CAHS Videos section of the website that contains a portion of Season 11, Episode 12 ("Play") of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" that features the CAHS Marching Band, Chargettes, and others.  It originally aired July 21, 1981.

"Great Friends Charity"

A new link has been added to the main menu to "Great Friends Charity" that provides CAHS graduates and their families that, for whatever reason, have fallen on hard financial times.

To learn more about this organization, chaired by Dan Kravetz (1969), please visit the link.

Newly Added
CAHS Charger Football at North Allegheny - 1971

Through the hard work of Mr. Lee Schaeffer, we now have a video recording of the CAHS Charger Football at North Allegheny from 1971.

To see this video, please visit the "CAHS Athletics" link which should connecet you to a Dropbox file.

Teacher Profiles

We would love to have you join our site and share your information with all of us.  Teachers who wish to join should go to the "Contact Us" tab and send an email with your name and email address.  An account will be set up for you along with links as to how to complete the teacher profiles.